Expect to Belong

Visiting a church can be intimidating,
but here at Heritage we want everyone to feel welcome!

We’re not perfect.

That’s probably why we make such a close family, because we’re all a work in progress and seek to grow in grace. We’re not evaluating you—when you walk in, we’re glad to see you! Don’t worry about having to measure up or fit in.  Our church family is diverse, so fitting in isn’t an issue. Come as you are and let God do the changing!

We’re not into “religion”.

Honestly, religion has let a lot of people down. Religious structures and systems are confusing, complicated, and disconnected from real life. We would love to help you move from “religion” into an authentic relationship with God through Jesus Christ. If you’re new to it all, that’s ok, we would love to show you where to start!

We speak plain English.

We worship God through Jesus, study the Bible, and encourage each other in simple terms you’ll be able to connect to your daily life.  We believe and teach what the Bible actually says and why it matters—no pointless traditions, no archaic languages, no droning or irrelevant lectures, no pious arrogance. We open the Bible and apply it to real life in the twenty-first century.

We’re normal people.

“Religious” people often come off contrived, artificial, and argumentative. You won’t find that at our church.  We really are just regular, friendly people. We’re like you—working hard, fighting for healthy relationships, looking for encouragement, and glad to have some good friends who also have faith in Jesus Christ.

Expect to Grow

Your experience with us will be encouraging and enjoyable

First, expect a friendly, grace-filled culture.

The gospel of grace is the center of everything we do. Our family is warm and welcoming. 

Expect some help along the way.

Greeters will welcome you with some information about the services and help you find classes and nurseries, as well as some new friends!

Expect to find a place where you fit.

Nurseries, children’s classes, and adult bible studies are all well-planned and prepared so that your Sunday is a well-invested time of personal growth.

Expect meaningful worship.

We worship God through Jesus. Our goal is worship, not entertainment, and we believe the service will touch you deeply.

Expect a practical Bible message.

Our pastor will teach and preach through a practical series that applies God’s wisdom to real-life situations. The Bible has the answers you’ve been looking for, and it’s essential for your journey through life. Listen to a recent message.

Expect to be impacted for the better.

Our goal is simple—to love and encourage you. Whatever you’re facing, wherever you come from, whatever decisions you are up against—The treachings of Jesus clarify God’s word and God’s love will make a massive difference.

Expect to connect and grow personally.

Every week, we welcome guests from all parts of our city and surrounding communities. Many of them are burnt out on either religion or secularism, and are sincerely looking for a truthful, spiritual alternative to both. We believe Jesus’ gospel is the only true answer for the longing of a person’s soul.

Church for the skeptic or the saint.

Whether you believe in Jesus or not, have an open mind and come hear Jesus’ message taught clearly and practically. Investigate who Jesus really is and discover what most religions never tell you about the Bible. To discover more, download the free eBook—DONE!

Have Questions?

Email us!



Sunday School 10:00 am

Worship Service 11:00 am

Sunday Evening 6:00 pm


Youth Group 6:15 pm

Children's Class 7:00 pm

Bible Study & Prayer Meeting 7:00 pm

Nursery Available 






At Heritage, one of our goals is to help you understand and apply God’s Word. We believe that the Bible has the power to transform your life from the inside out. Every message is posted online so you can listen again and share with a friend. Enjoy!